Sunday, 1 September 2013

Chilli Apple Jelly

Apples, apples everywhere! As fast as we pick them up there are more that are ready to drop. Although we like the occasional apple (and blackberry) pie/crumble we're not big desert fans. 
I can't remember which television programme it was, but on Friday night someone mentioned Chilli Apple Jelly. Hmm, that sounds interesting, a way to try something out using the many apples that we have plus we do like chilli as a spice.
A quick search of the internet revealed a recipe on the BBC website that seemed to fit the bill, not too complicated and all of the necessary ingredients to hand. Yesterday afternoon was spent chopping the apples, removing any brown bits and then stewing them to a pulp in a large pan. We then ladled the pulp into a straining bag and left it hanging up for the evening, with a suitable receptacle there to catch the juice. We managed to 'acquire' 1.4l of apple juice.
This morning we started the next piece. Not too difficult to follow, just add the preserving sugar and chilli flakes, boil it and remove the scum that forms on the top. As it was boiling the whole mixture was very cloudy and far from appealing. As we removed the scum the chilli flakes were, it appeared, a 'casualty' as there was no separating them from the scum. By the time the mixture had reached the setting point there was clearly less fluid in there than when we started, down from 1.2l to under 1.0l (we only used 1.2l as we didn't have enough preserving sugar). It was though very clear and and a lovely chilli red colour.
The jelly was ladled into a couple of preserving jars and the tiny bit that remained was put into a bowl and on the table at didn't last long!! The conclusion that we can draw from this is that we'll have to make some more very soon as although the BBC website says it will keep for up to two years, fat chance of that happening!!

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